Swap plan allows planning swaps and vary it for users or instruments. Swap plans can be assigned to specific users or user groups.
In order to access the Spreads menu, log in to TradeLocker back office, hover over “Plans” and select “Swaps”.
The following actions are available for swap plans:
- Add – to add a swap plan click the “+” button;
- Edit – to edit a swap plan click its name or a corresponding option in the context menu, and an appropriate page will be opened;
- Delete – removes a swap plan completely;
- Duplicate – this option opens a new swap plan form pre-filled with data from a selected swap plan;
- Update from CSV – allows updating swap parameters from a CSV file;
- Export – allows exporting default/overridden plan’s parameters and values to a CSV file with headers. File structure to export is the same as for updating from CSV.
Editing a Swap Plan
Upon selecting a Swap Plan which you want to edit, a pop up window will open.
The best option to edit swaps is to click on “Per-instrument settings”. This will bring up a menu where you will be able to specify spreads for every instrument group and instrument available. This is what it looks like:
Here, you can collapse any instrument group and edit swaps for specific instruments.
Types of Swap calculations
Swap calculation with Ticks measure type
Calculation formula: Swap = Number of lots * Lot size * Value from swap plan * Tick size * Cross price, where:
- Number of lots – number of lots for opened position;
- Lot size – lot size retrieved from instrument settings;
- Value from swap plan – if format: 1 tick;
- Tick size – value retrieved from instrument settings.
Swap calculation with Percent, % measure type
If you select Measure = Percent, %, then an additional control with calculation scheme selection will be displayed in the Default swap settings section.
Here you need to fill and to select the following parameters:
- Annual days number – allows inputting annual days quantity for calculation;
- Counter account – counter account for instrument swap section. It is a required field for setting up a swap plan;
- Activate IB – when checked, enables the reallocation of funds between Introducing brokers.
Swap calculation for “Broker percent” scheme:
Swap = (Price * Lot size * Amount in lot * Swap value, %) / Annual days number, where:
- Swap value, % – Buy/Sell constant values set in %.
Swap calculation based on System currency and cross-rate
For calculating the swap based on the system currency and cross-rate, the system uses the following formula:
Swap=Number of Lots*swapSize*Coefficient*crossPrice,
where “Coefficient” is the value specified in the “Run swap” scheduled by the admin.