On this page, you will learn how to check a user’s event history using the “Event history report”.
1. Log in to TradeLocker back-office.
2. Search user login
To check event history, you will need the user login. If you already have the user login, feel free to skip to step 4. If you only have the account number, click on Users and under Account ID, enter the ID and hit Search.
3. See results.
The search result will show the user login under the Login column.
4. Copy user log-in.
Copy the user login and navigate to Reports → Reports.
5. Search for events
In the Reports sub-menu, click on Events.
6. In the list of available reports, you will see Event history report. Select it.
7. Under date coverage, select your preferred date range.
8. Add instrument details.
Under Instruments, you can add an instrument filter in case you know what the user traded. Click on the three lines next to the Instruments field, enter the instrument name in the search field, hit Search and select it by checking the box next to the instrument name. Click Apply.
9. Add user details.
Repeat the same process for the Account section. Click on the three lines and paste the user login under Login. Hit Search and check the box next to the user login.
10. Generate report.
Once you’ve entered all of the data, click on the Generate report button. You will see the full logs which you can export to .csv.