⚠️ TradeLocker determines your monthly fees based on the number of active accounts.
An account is considered active if it meets any of the following criteria during the billing month:
- The account was created.
- A session was initiated (the account connected to the platform).
- The account had open positions.
- The account had active orders.
Here’s how you can manage accounts and avoid unnecessary charges.
1. Restrict the account immediately
When a user fails a challenge, immediately restrict their account using the Restrict Account API (see the description below). The user will get notified about the restriction.
We recommend allowing 48 hours for the user to log in and close open positions or cancel active orders.
2: Close positions and cancel orders
After 48 hours, use the Close all positions API to automatically close any open positions or the Cancel order API to cancel active orders.
This step is crucial to ensure the account is marked as inactive after suspension, so it doesn’t get included in the next billing cycle.
Disclaimer: Please make sure that all positions did get closed. Our API can’t guarantee that your bridge will accept all closed orders. After submitting a request, call open positions endpoint to ensure that all positions were closed successfully.
3. Suspend the account
Suspend the account using the Suspend Account API. After you’ve closed all open positions and active orders from the previous step and then suspended the account, it will no longer be counted as active, avoiding charges in the next billing month.
*Keep in mind that Step 1 is optional. You can immediately close all positions and suspend an account without restricting it first.
More info
When a user fails a challenge, it’s important to handle their account efficiently to maintain a good user experience and minimize your monthly fees.
Here is a simple guide on the types of APIs and their impact on user accounts.
Restrict Account API
This API allows you to restrict an account, notifying the user about it. While restricted, the user can still log in, close open positions, and cancel orders, but they cannot open new trades.
If the restricted account is active, you will get charged. See above what constitutes an active account.
Suspend Account API
This API fully suspends the account, preventing the user from logging in and removing the account from their account list. The suspended account is no longer considered active if all positions and orders are closed. That way, you won’t be charged for it in the next billing month.
Close all positions API
This API allows you to close all open positions for a specific account. Soon you’ll be able to cancel all active orders with a single endpoint. For now, use Cancel order endpoint to cancel a single order.
Disclaimer: Please make sure that all positions did get closed. Our API can’t guarantee that your bridge will accept all closed orders. After submitting a request, call open positions endpoint to ensure that all positions were closed successfully.