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published-date Published: January 22, 2025
update-date Last Update: February 3, 2025

Prop & Broker Tech – Integration

Step 1: Obtain the development API key

To start integrating with TradeLocker Brand API, you need to obtain a development API key and a unique server name (6-8 characters).

You can request it by submitting a ticket to our team here.

IMPORTANT: In the meantime, please fill out the Onboarding Sheet sent to you by the sales team. Send it to us by submitting a ticket titled “Your company name – Onboarding”. All onboarding conversations will be held via the Customer Support Portal.

After assessing your needs, we will issue your development API key to begin the development trial phase.

Step 2: Development phase

During development, we’ll set up default configurations with custom leverages, commissions, and swaps. We’ll also create custom user groups for testing account creation at different challenge phases.

The main goal of this stage is for you to test the integration between your CRM and TradeLocker API, focusing on user creation, account management, funding, data retrieval, and similar processes.


Review all TradeLocker API documentation here.


TradeLocker has multiple environments:

  • DEV → used during initial integration to test the API.
  • PRODUCTION → used when you get the production API key


  • DEMO → used mostly for demo accounts.
  • LIVE → used for accounts with real funds.

All requests to the Brand API need to have brand-api-key in the header with the provided API token.

Note: Tokens for development and production will be different!

During development:

In production:

  • You will switch to api.tradelocker.com.
  • Use DEMO or LIVE as the type depending on the account type you support.

Use DEMO for demo accounts and LIVE for accounts with real funds.

Minimal flow

  • Step 1: Create User
    • Endpoint: Create user.
    • Generate user credentials (email and password).
  • Step 2: Create Account
    • Endpoint: Create account.
    • One user can have multiple accounts. Assign accounts to user groups to inherit group rules (leverage, commissions, swaps, etc.).
    • Each Account ID will have a prefix D# or L# depending on if the account is DEMO or LIVE.
    • Implement account creation with Idempotency-key to prevent duplicate accounts.
  • Step 3: Deposit funds to account
    • Deposit funds in the account’s currency.
    • Also use Idempotency-key
  • Step 4: Test trading access
    • URL: https://stg.tradelocker.com
    • Log in using the credentials from Step 1.
  • Step 5: Track equity changes
    • Endpoint: Account statement report.
    • Fetch balance, equity, and P&L data for all your accounts.
    • At midnight, save values so you can compare them with other values throughout the day to determine if somebody breached the account
  • Step 6: How to handle breached (failed) accounts

Once you test out the API and we confirm you correctly used the API, we consider you integrated as a tech provider. At this point, we can create production environments for any brokers or props that you partner with.

Refer brokers that you partner with to STEP 3 of this onboarding guide: For brokers: How to integrate with TradeLocker.

Refer prop firms that you partner with to STEP 3 of this onboarding guide: For prop firms: How to integrate with TradeLocker.


If you have any questions or require assistance at any point, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We’re here to help you every step of the way.

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