Open a brokerage
in seven days.

Start a brokerage with our technology, support, and marketing.

open a brokerage

Fastest way to open a brokerage.

With a good understanding of the trading world and an audience that values your insights, launching a brokerage might just be your next big move.

Start a new lucrative revenue source.

Attract live traders to your new brand.

Take the next step in your trading journey.

Develop credibility in the trading world.

How to start a brokerage?

Follow these eight steps of the journey and create your own brokerage.

1 - Learn how to trade

Make the first step to mastering the market dynamics.

2 - Make profitable trades

Show us what you’ve got & become a profitable trader.

3 - Share the knowledge

Teach others how to trade and build your audience.

4 - Become an affiliate

Partner with established brokerages and prop firms.

5 - Launch a prop firm

Start funding rising start in the trading world.

6 - Launch a brokerage

Create the best trading experience for as many traders as possible.

7 - Become a mentor

Help others launch their prop firms and brokerages

8 - Change the game

Become a tech provider for prop firms and brokers.

How does it work?

A balanced partnership

We take care of the tech and support - you take care of marketing & sales.

Pay per usage

Say goodbye to subscription fees and hidden charges.

Streamlined growth

We take on the risk, so you can take care of growth.

Grow together

We’re in this together & we grow only if you grow.

Here’s what you’ll need.

Launching a white label brokerage can be exciting venture with numerous benefits, but it’s crucial to have the right tools and resources to succeed. Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

white label broker dashboard

Our technology and support

Your one-stop shop for everything you need to start and support your customers.

open a branded brokerage

Your marketing mojo

Bring your A-game in marketing and sales to attract promising traders.

Open up a Brokerage with TradeLocker.

Dive into the dynamic world of financial brokerage. Whether you have years of experience in finance or are venturing into the industry for the first time, we will walk you through every essential step to set up your very own brokerage firm.

TradeLocker © 2023. All rights reserved.

*Neither this app or its contents should be regarded as professional, financial or investment advice. This app is a suite of trading tools, meant to be used in connection with an account held by a trader with their brokerage firm. If you intend on using this app for real trading, you should understand how various financial products work and the risks you will be undertaking on your own.

**By using this app you will have access to information of a general nature (i.e., that does not address the circumstances of any particular individual). If you require further information, or otherwise a more comprehensive or complete statement of the related matters and regulations, you should seek the advice of a lawyer, your brokerage firm, or from a licensed financial service provider before you start trading.