11,646 adopters
We have listed out all of the brokers and props we know you can have a free demo account. Do you want to start trading with real money.
11,646 adopters
892 adopters
2,480 adopters
173 adopters
404 adopters
16 adopters
0 adopters
47 adopters
270 adopters
8,639 adopters
914 adopters
2,359 adopters
355 adopters
1,196 adopters
Use our risk-free environment to hone your skills and improve your trading strategies
Explore all our 500+ tradable assets, TradingView charting indicators and drawing tools.
Experience the live markets with our ultra-fast execution and reliability on web and mobile.
Perform trading operations on the chart with ease along One-Click Trading.
Set up your risk amount and auto-calculate Stop Loss & Take Profit in dollars, percentage and lot ratios.
Streamline your trading and open positions quicker with one-click trading.
Trade a minimum lot size of 0.01 to spread the risks involved in high-volume trading.
Enjoy flexible trading, on your terms. TradeLocker lets you switch between a seamless, no-download browser view and our versatile mobile app, allowing you to trade anytime, anywhere.
A demo trading on TradeLocker simulates the same features and market conditions as a live trading account, but is used for simulation purposes only. People call this paper trading. The environment is ideal for testing out the platform and practicing your trading skills, since the demo account is completely free, without any fees or loss of actual capital.
No, demo trading is not different from paper trading; both involve practicing trades with virtual money without risking real funds. Find out more about paper trading here.
Trading in a demo account is simulated and uses virtual funds only. Trading in a real account is actual trading using real funds that you have deposited in your TradeLocker account balance.
Currently, TradeLocker is only accessible through your broker (demo and live account) or a prop firm challenge (on TradeLocker demo). Press here to follow instructions.
New investors will find the virtual account very useful. TradeLocker’s demo mode simulates real-world trading, allowing beginners to learn how to trade by practicing for free.
TradeLocker © 2023. All rights reserved.
*Neither this app or its contents should be regarded as professional, financial or investment advice. This app is a suite of trading tools, meant to be used in connection with an account held by a trader with their brokerage firm. If you intend on using this app for real trading, you should understand how various financial products work and the risks you will be undertaking on your own.
**By using this app you will have access to information of a general nature (i.e., that does not address the circumstances of any particular individual). If you require further information, or otherwise a more comprehensive or complete statement of the related matters and regulations, you should seek the advice of a lawyer, your brokerage firm, or from a licensed financial service provider before you start trading.