TradeLocker Reviews

Check out why traders love our platform.

Dawn Davis
June 2, 2023
This app and platform is a huge game changer for me & honestly, a dream come true. It's the complete package compared to platforms I've used before. I'm glad I waited for the bugs to be fixed before writing my review. They even have dark mode now, which is great for me as I trade all hours of the day/night so it's easy on the eyes. Just, not sure how to take it off dark mode, but I actually read it's better for my eyes on this setting anyway. Overall, great app! Thanks 😊!
Sebastian Field
June 1, 2023
Love the app would love to see a Risk reward ratio on our stop loss and take profit.
Moneyboi Jay
June 1, 2023
After years of using the MT4/MT5 trading platform, I hesitated to switch to TradeLocker, but I'm thrilled I did. It's incredibly user-friendly. Although I've encountered occasional lag during extended usage, a quick log-out and log-in always resolve it, making my overall experience great!
Superstar Trader
June 1, 2023
Ahhh where do I begin…All in one trading platform. Instead of switching back and forth from trading view to MetaTrader I am able to solely use TradeLocker for charting and trading which has been very helpful since they are partnered with trading view. Runs very smooth, haven’t experienced any bugs. Highly recommend!
Casey Keita
May 7, 2023
Excellent platform. Bad reviews are due to users' learning curves. To edite open trades, double tap the trade, and the SL & TP selection will show. Double tap and drag to set. Alternatively, tap the bottom arrow for more trade options. Take time to learn it as it is and you will find many advantages over metatrader.
April 12, 2023
All is well, TradeLocker is the best platform
January 12, 2023
BRO! I actually love the platform. I like seeing all my P&L info and the better laptop layout
January 12, 2023
Love the platform. Will wait and see how things go. Sticking to it.

TradeLocker © 2023. All rights reserved.

*Neither this app or its contents should be regarded as professional, financial or investment advice. This app is a suite of trading tools, meant to be used in connection with an account held by a trader with their brokerage firm. If you intend on using this app for real trading, you should understand how various financial products work and the risks you will be undertaking on your own.

**By using this app you will have access to information of a general nature (i.e., that does not address the circumstances of any particular individual). If you require further information, or otherwise a more comprehensive or complete statement of the related matters and regulations, you should seek the advice of a lawyer, your brokerage firm, or from a licensed financial service provider before you start trading.