Docs   »   Interface   »   Understand trading hours
published-date Published: May 3, 2023
update-date Last Update: August 27, 2024

Understand trading hours

Trading hours determine when you can execute trades. Here’s how to know when the market is open or closed.

How to know if the market is open or closed

Step 1: Log in

Log into your TradeLocker account and move your cursor over to the instrument pair list on the right.

Step 2: Select the instrument pair

Find your pair via the drop-down menu or the search bar. Here’s how. Select the instrument you want to trade.

If the color of that instrument is grey, it means that the market is closed at that time. Find the example below: 

market closed

Step 3: Check market hours

After selecting an instrument, navigate to market hours above the chart. It will say Open in green or Closed in red, depending on the time of the day. Click on it to expand and see the info for the whole week.

market open hours

Step 4: More info about the instrument

In case you want to check market open and closed times for different instruments without changing the chart, simply right-click on the instrument and select View details.

A pop-up will open up, where you can see the market session indicator and other relevant info about the instrument, such as bid and ask price, spread, lot size etc.

more info about the instrument

Some markets are open 24/7, like Forex for example. This means that all instruments in that market will be marked as Always open on the market hours indicator.

The importance of knowing market hours

Being aware of market hours helps you align your strategies with periods of high liquidity. This is vital for planning your trading activities and maximizing opportunities.

Understanding market timing also helps with risk management. Markets often experience higher volatility during opening hours or when multiple markets overlap. This information is invaluable for setting appropriate Stop Loss and Take Profit levels.

This helps you prepare for important economic releases or news events that might affect your trades.

Learn more here:

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