Docs   »   Getting Started   »  How to add funds to your account directly from TradeLocker?
published-date Published: November 14, 2023
update-date Last Update: August 27, 2024

How to add funds to your account directly from TradeLocker?

You can easily deposit funds into your TradeLocker account directly from the platform. This process allows you to easily add more money to your balance without going to your broker first.

Keep in mind that this does not mean that TradeLocker handles your deposits and withdrawals. Your broker takes care of that. You can learn more about the role of a broker and a trading platform here.

How to add funds

Step 1: Log in to TradeLocker

Log in to your TradeLocker account. If you need help, here’s how to do it.

Step 2: Navigate to your account

Adding money to your account:

  • If you’re on a mobile device, tap the Account icon in the upper right corner, then select the “Add Funds” button.

add funds on mobile

  • If you’re on your desktop, open your Account icon in the bottom left corner to find the “Add Funds” button.

Step 3: Choose the amount

After you click on the button, a popup window from your broker will appear allowing you to choose the amount you want to add to your balance.

Step 4: Add Funds

After specifying the amount, click on the “Add Funds” button to complete the process. And you’re all set!


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